
Scientific committee (to be finalised)

For social, human and intervention sciences:

Rix-Lièvre Géraldine, PU, ACTE, Clermont Ferrand

Parmantier Charlotte, MCF, LABERS, Brest

Mennesson Christine, PU, CreSco, Toulouse

Grun, Laurent, Docteur Staps, PRAG EPS, CRULH, Metz

Stanislas Frenkiel, MCF, SHERPA, Artois

Scelles Nicolas, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University

Chalabaev Aina, MCF HDR, SENS, Grenoble

Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, Professeur, Haute Ecole Pédagogique Vaud, Suisse

Breuil Xavier, docteur, PRAG Histoire

Cogérino Geneviève, PU émérite, L-Vis, Lyon1

Fontayne Paul, PU, CeRSM, Nanterre

Ottogalli-Mazzacavallo Cécile, L-Vis, Lyon1

Bodet Guillaume, L-Vis, Lyon1

Nicaise Virginie, L-Vis, Lyon1

Epron Aurélie, L-Vis, Lyon1

Martinent Guillaume, L-Vis, Lyon1

For life and health sciences :

Chamari Karim (Aspetar, Qatar) (sous réserve)

Tourny Claire, PU, CETAPS, Rouen

Morin Jean-Benoit, PU, LAMHESS, Nice

Boisseau Nathalie, PU, AME2P, Clermont Ferrand

Duclos Martine, PU-PH, UNH, Clermont Ferrant

Dellal Alexandre, PhD-HDR, LIBM, Centre FIFA Paul Santy, Fédération Algérie

Vigne Gregory, PhD, Centre de Santé Paul-Santy, Lyon

Servien Elvire, PH, HCL, Lyon

Edouard Pascal, MCU-PH, LIBM, Saint-Etienne

Samozino Pierre, MCU, LIBM, Chambéry

Martin Cyril, LIBM, Lyon1

Hautier, Christophe, LIBM Lyon1

Blache Yoann, LIBM, Lyon1


Organising committee (to be finalised)

Blache Yoann, Bodet Guillaume, Charroin Pascal, Drivet Noémie, Épron Aurélie, Guillet Emma, Hautier Christophe, Honoré Georges, Jars Jean Michel, Lemoine Alain, Lorca Pierre, Louzada Bruno, Martin Cyril, Martinent Guillaume, Meyer Stéphane, Mousset Kilian, Nicaise Virginie, Ottogalli-Mazzacavallo Cécile, Servien Elvire, Turpin Bernard, Cece Valérian, Liehnart Noémie.

With the contribution of the Master’s students Egal’APS (Equality in and by Sport and Physical Activity), of the Master’s student PPMR (Preparation of the athlete: physical, mental and re-athletisation aspects) and the Master's student MOS (Management of sports organisations) of the UFR STAPS de Lyon1. 

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