Université de Lyon1 – UFR STAPS
Campus de la Doua
Football by and for women
State of play and perspectives
N.B. New deadline for abstract submission : 1st March 2019
The research units L-Vis et LIBM from the University of Lyon1, in partnership with the Association of Francophone Football Researchers (AC2F) organise from 20th to 22th June 2019, an international conference about “Football by and for women”.
Call for papers
The organisation of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup constitute a key moment in the development strategy the French Football Federation has initiated for about a decade regarding women’s football. With an increase from 60 521 members in 2007 to 159 128 in 2017, the football world is facing a significant growth of the number of participating and engaged girls and women. However, women still represent only 6% of the overall number of members of the French Football Federation that indicates a large margin for progression and has justified, mainly from 2012, an ambitious policy for the promotion of girls and women’s engagement under the direction of Brigitte Henrique.
Several areas of development are considered from the improvement of the social conditions of participation such as the improvement of sports facilities and particularly changing rooms, the development of dedicated school pathways, a growing number of young elite athletes’ training centres (pôles espoirs) all over the territory, and the formation of more than 200 elite athletes, to the promotion of women in training and coaching, refereeing, volunteering, management and governance roles.
This international conference about “Football by and for women” aim first to review the state of scientific knowledge about football played, supervised, organised and led by and for women. Particularly, it aims to be a privileged forum for a multidisciplinary questioning that combines diverse scientific approaches around the current issues regarding the biological, individual and social conditions of women’s football performance, participation and involvement, in order to foster new and innovative perspectives of development. The conference will also be the place to examine more broadly the place and scope of women’s football via the analysis of its events and competitions, its mediatisation, its professionalization, its management and governance, its public perceptions and representations, etc.
The international “Football by and for women – State of play and perspectives” organised by the L-Vis and LIBM research units form the university of Lyon 1 in partnership with AC2F gathers researchers from all scientific fields and football practitioners the biological, individual and social conditions of women’s performance and participation in football. Although not exclusive, the following topics can represent areas of communication:
Theme 1: Biological conditions of participation and performance
- Bioenergetics and physiology of performance
- Biomechanical and neuromuscular determinants of performance
- Mental processes and performance
- Characterisation of training and games’ constraints
- Tiredness and overtraining
- Injuries and prevention
Theme 2: Individual and social conditions of participation and performance
- Football socio-demography (evolution, social and/or geographical distribution, etc.)
- Sport and football policy (place and role of women, policy types, etc.)
- Supervision, coaching and volunteering
- Professionalization/sponsorship/management
- Mediatisation
- Public perceptions and representations
Scientific Valorisation scientifique
After the conference, communicants may be invited to propose their contribution fro inclusion in a collective book or a special issue of a scientific journal. Only the most advanced articles according to the calendar and scientific criteria chosen will be selected.
For any other information, please contact the organising committee via this email address: colloque-CDMF2019@univ-lyon1.fr